fakty związane z technologią

We are able to accelerate air to speeds of more than 300 km/h, making Flyspots the world’s fastest wind tunnels.

Speed alone is not everything, the air at Flyspot is perfectly smooth and even, free of turbulence. This is what makes flying at Flyspot so comfortable.

It is the reinforced concrete used to construct the Flyspot tunnel buildings that allows the maximum power of the engines to be used in the tunnel. As a result, they also create perfectly laminar, vibration-free air streams.

The geometry of the tunnel was developed by scientists working at the Institute of Astronautics of the Technical University of Berlin.

Powerful fans equipped with carbon fiber blades are capable of pushing air the volume of 3 Olympic-sized swimming pools in 1 second.

Made of 4 cm thick glass, it allows you to comfortably and unrestrictedly admire from the outside the evolutions performed inside the tunnel.
We built our tunnels using the best technology available in the world, developed by the leader in this industry – the German company Indoor Skydiving Germany GMBH. ISG GMBH has been developing, building and operating vertical wind tunnels for professionals and amateurs for sports and entertainment applications for years. The technological solutions used in Flyspot were developed at the space center of the Berlin University of Technology. The equipment placed in the tunnel was supplied by Howden and Siemens, the undisputed leaders in their industry.

Boeing 737-800 simulator
Poland’s only professional full-size 737NG passenger aircraft simulator with 4K resolution located at Flyspot Warsaw. Our cockpit is an extremely faithful replica of the real aircraft, where all the controls, switches, displays and levers work exactly as they do in real life. FLYSPOT 737 PROJECT gives you an extraordinary and unique opportunity to pilot an 80-ton jet aircraft!