Flyspot Paulove Scramble 2022

Date 22/04/2022
Coaching Style Competition
number of available seats: Book now
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Location: Flyspot Warsaw

Date: 22.04.2022

Known and loved by you Flyspot Paulove Scramble is the largest cyclic competition in 4-way and 2-way FS, available to virtually everyone. In 2022, the Scramble is traditionally held in Warsaw and Katowice. You are welcome to compete in the 2-way and 4-way categories. Minimum experience: flown 1 h in the tunnel. You don’t have to have your own team, we will help you assemble it from passionate people like you with similar skills. You don’t have to have a lot of experience in 4-way or 2-way, either, because Scrambles are there for anyone to feel the excitement of competitive sports.

All levels of flyers are welcome to join.

If you have any questions, please contact us: [email protected]

Event organizer Flyspot
contact regarding the event [email protected]
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